Innovative Affordable Floating Breakwater and Wave Protection
for your waterfront property
If you own or manage any property along the shoreline of any
large body of water, you are well aware of the havoc that
wind-driven waves and large boats can bring upon your property. The
concept of offshore floating breakwaters has been something that waterfront
property owners and managers have been investigating for many years.
There are a number of systems on the market today offering
wave attenuation solutions, but for the most part, these are rigid, costly, and at
best, give only marginal service. Wave Brake consists of several
rows of heavy duty cubes, depending on the conditions and
requirements of the site. For mass, the lower cubes fill with water,
and the upper cubes are used for buoyancy.
The "system" is:
Easily Anchored
Easily Installed
Any Length
Seasonally Adjustable
The "system" can be used for:
Marina Breakwalls
Floating Breakwater
Personal Harbors
Wake and Wave Barriers
Wave Attenuator
Erosion Control
Beach Accretion
Fish Habitats
Platforms and Flotation
For more information about the Wave Break or to
request a project quote complete our Quote Request form or call us at 215-480-1940.